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We are:

Pivot Drive is a Canadian investment, innovation, product development, and start-up management company. It is led by experienced professionals with diverse twenty-five years of success and failure.

To clarify, each has more than twenty-five years of experience; this is not a cumulative experience, like a ticker on the website. We have innovated, learned, and grown with others in each of us journeys.

We hope by the time you reach the end of the page, we will have answered most of the questions that would have got you here in the first place.

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The Founder

Sameer has managed hundreds of projects. He has also built small enterprises across different sectors. He is a software engineer and technology expert and is usually the first to buy the first release of any new tech innovation.

Among his social initiatives, Sameer has conceptualised and led an innovative telemedicine healthcare program for rural areas in India.

He has produced a film that depicts the situation of salt workers in rural areas in India and that has been awarded at multiple film festivals.

What we do.

We work with you and your team to execute your projects effectively.

We have diverse teams and companies that are the best in their fields and are associated with us who DELIVER.

Are we consultants? NO! First, we are DOERS of your products and services.

We also have some innovations we have chosen to invest in and develop.

While our strengths are in the software, we innovate in challenging areas like last-mile delivery in e-commerce, films, non-spill food, or even search. One of the projects we are currently working on involves a Product Search Engine.

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What can we do for you?

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How do we do it

As you would have gathered, we are senior professionals who have done a lot, individually and as a team. We are executors and have teams that are aligned to do this.

So is this like outsourcing? It is a bit more than that. While from your point we will be accountable for the execution, we will be deploying multiple teams across the globe who are the best in their fields.

These companies are the best in their field, and based on our experience, we extract more from the best.

It is as simple as this and more effective for you than you can imagine.

You Are

This is our expertise. We will try to be succinct here.

Been there - Done that

Contact us

Never mind the doubts; a conversation between us will always have some value for both of us. Let us have a call so you can experience if our sense of humor is compatible with our diverse skills.